19 de dez. de 2010


Ontem, numa entrevista Paul disse que o show de São Paulo, o do primeiro dia, 21 de novembro, e o realizado na Casa Branca para a família Obama, foram os ápices dos seus shows no ano de 2010.

Leia o trecho: It’s been an incredible year, I think you’ve got, I would pick two. I think Sao Paulo, 65,000 people the first show was amazing the Brazilian people love their music and so we love to play to them and it was a stand out show. It was one of our top shows ever, and it was just brilliant, the audience was bananas and we have a great evening. And then I think you know you come down to the East room in the White House, smaller but just as great because of the Obamas' and the guests who were on the show so we had a great evening there too so I would choose those two.

E nós estávamos lá, no Morumbi, extasiados e 'bananas'! Thanx, Paul!

E ouça agora, gravada direto da pista prime pelo nosso colega da Beatles Brasil, o Prof. Guilherme Lentz, no dia 21 de novembro de 2010, a canção 1985!

1985 (live - Morumbi - Sao Paulo - 11/21/10)

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